On Friday we covered a current event in class over the rising tensions between Iran and the United States. Iran claims it is planning to enrich Uranium to make nuclear energy but the U.S. believes it intends to make nuclear weapons. For more information on the current situation and on Iran click on the links below. There is also a list of terms to remember also.
We used this topic to lead into our first formal debate of the year. The question we debated in class today was, "Should the U.S. be able to tell other countries they should not have nuclear weapons.?" I hope everyone was able to give their own opinion but also be open enough to listen to the opinions of others. Your assignment is to write a 3-5 sentence comment on this post. Your comment should include your final opinion to the question above and why you believe that. Remember to be respectful and honor one another's thoughts. Also space and write your full name under every comment you leave. Your comments are due by class on Thursday.