Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog Assignment 6- Native American Treatment and Removal in the 1800s

Over the past unit we have studied and discussed how the United States moved from being a country of 13 states along the Atlantic Coast to a vast area reaching all the way to the Pacific Ocean. We looked at the explorers that traveled the new vast land and finally today we talked about the settlers and pioneers that risked everything to move West. Unfortunately the expansion and settlement was was not positive for everyone. The Native Americans were often moved from their land onto reservations in areas like Oklahoma. Those who resisted were forced by the military and many many died from disease. Read pages 368-369 in your book. It gives an example of this when in 1830 President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act to make the Cherokee Tribe leave Florida.  For this blog assignment you need to write at least six sentences summing up what happened to the Cherokee on the pages you read, write how it makes you feel, and then tell me how things could have been done differently.