Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog Assignment 3- Illegal Immigration

Today in class we discussed the issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a very opinionated subject in America and has been at the center of many political debates. Your blog assignment is to post at least seven sentences saying what an illegal immigrant is, why illegal immigration is a problem, who you think is to blame for it, what is being done to stop it, and should the U.S. continue to put money into preventing immigration(why?) or could there be another solution (if so what?). Use examples from your hand out I gave you if you can. The links to the sites I got the info from are below as well as another link with articles about illegal immigration.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog Assignment 2- Foreign Aid: Yes or No

Today in class we discussed the topic question should the U.S. continue to give foreign aid during the recession? Remember the key terms I underlined in that question. Foreign aid is any money, medicine, or supplies given to other countries. This could be for a disaster, war, disease or development. The other term was recession. A recession is a time where the economy is not doing as well as it should. The unemployement rate is higher and the market is bad. The United States is currently in a state or recession. So after studying these terms and the topic write a 3-5 sentence statement telling me if you believe the U.S. should continue to give foreign aid during the recession and tell me why you believe that.(put your name at the end of the comment) Don't forget the stats and figures I gave you today. I have attached some of the articles you already have and a few new ones as well for your info.

Countries with largest amount of foreign aid given (in billions of dollars)
Countries that receive aid from the U.S.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Assignment 1- The U.S. and Nuclear Weapons

On Friday we covered a current event in class over the rising tensions between Iran and the United States. Iran claims it is planning to enrich Uranium to make nuclear energy but the U.S. believes it intends to make nuclear weapons. For more information on the current situation and on Iran click on the links below. There is also a list of terms to remember also.
We used this topic to lead into our first formal debate of the year. The question we debated in class today was, "Should the U.S. be able to tell other countries they should not have nuclear weapons.?"  I hope everyone was able to give their own opinion but also be open enough to listen to the opinions of others. Your assignment is to write a 3-5 sentence comment on this post. Your comment should include your final opinion to the question above and why you believe that. Remember to be respectful and honor one another's thoughts. Also space and write your full name under every comment you leave. Your comments are due by class on Thursday.