Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog Assignment 3- Illegal Immigration

Today in class we discussed the issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a very opinionated subject in America and has been at the center of many political debates. Your blog assignment is to post at least seven sentences saying what an illegal immigrant is, why illegal immigration is a problem, who you think is to blame for it, what is being done to stop it, and should the U.S. continue to put money into preventing immigration(why?) or could there be another solution (if so what?). Use examples from your hand out I gave you if you can. The links to the sites I got the info from are below as well as another link with articles about illegal immigration.


  1. An illegal immigrant is an illegal alien who comes into the United States illegaly. This matters because some are carrring drugs with them and if they do something bad we cant put them in jail because they arent a citizen.What I think we should do is give more money to security to make the area more secure. I think there is no one to blame for it because no one is making the the aliens come into the United States but themselves. There are lots of security gards gaurding the border but its obviously not enough if some of the people are coming in.

  2. An illegal immigrant is a person who comes in a country illegally. This is bad because some bring drugs. We should blame Mexico for not helping us dispose of this problem. We should get more security around the border. The only thing that is being done is security cameras and border patrols. We should get more airplanes in the air like the predator. Thats what we should do.

    By Clark Jewett

  3. An illegal immigrant is person who comes to a country illegally such as the United States of America. It is a big threat because some of the people are bring drugs over the border. There is stuff being done about it but not much. All OBAMA is doing is that we have boder patrol,camras,helicopters,and chain-link fences.I think some ways to make security better is that we could have more border patrol peaple that get paid so that would open up some jobs for people. I also think if we were to build concrete walls to help stop illegal aliens from entering the states.

    Joshua Kelm

  4. An illegal immigrant is a person who comes into a country illealy. The problem is that people somtimes bring drugs over and because they can't get arrested if they do something bad because they have no passport. I think it is the illigal imagrants fault because people are trying to do stuff but there are to many illegal aliens. The only thing being done to stop it is cameras and security. I think the U.S shoud keep puting money in it because we don't drugs in our country.

    Ethan Woodward

  5. Yes we should put more money into the border patrol system because these illegal aliens are taking up Americas jobs so the people on the streets cant get one and they sometimes make their money off of illegal drugs which are very profitable these days sadly. We should ivest in more predator planes and concrete walls totally blocking any contact with Mexico.

    Christopher Christensen

  6. A illegal immigrant is somebody who in a country illegally. The problem with some illegal immigrants are that some bring guns or even drugs! So they cant be arrested or thrown in jail! Its Mexico's fault that all this is happening,its not the peoples fault that Mexico is a bad place.

    Christopher Begala

  7. An illegal immigrant is someone who lives in the United States without being a citizen. It is a problem because they are taking up jobs from American citizens and they don't have insurance. If they get hurt, taxpayers have to pay for it. The Mexican government is to blame because they don't provide jobs for the people. The US is working on new technology that is used to find people being smuggled into our country. I think that the US should continue to spend money to help stop illegal entry into our country. We should also make bigger fences to stop illegals from entering our country.

    Alex Worley

  8. I believe that illegal immigration is bad for many reasons. Its bad because some people are smuggling in drugs. Also because there are quite a few of homeless americans and most of the jobs are being taken by them. Its also a problem because if they commit a crime we cant arrest them. If they get hurt it wont just take money from the government but also from us. I think we should spend more money on ideas, because one might work. My idea would be to have an invisible, electric fence. So if someone went through without something to have the fence detect they would go buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Madeline DeJong

  9. An illegal immigrant is someone who comes to the United States illegally. It is a problem because lots of people could take bad drugs. They also don't have insurance. I think it is the security guards blame. But there are a lot of security guards and their doing the best they can do. I think the United States should continue to put more money to the security guards because we still need more to do the job so the United states can be more safe.

  10. An illegal immagrant is a person that comes into another country illgaly.It is a problem because they take up jobs and space.Another problem is they carry illegal drugs. Also they can't get arrested for the stuff that they did because they aren't from here. The on to blame for this is the presidents.To help prevent this problem we should use electric gates.And to help this problem is to use the taxes for this.

    Xavier Valero
